Accumulate richly and break forth vast ! IOTCOMM earn enough attentions at the 28th Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition

2023/06/14 1990view

The 28th Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition has come to a successful conclusion, bringing together 3318 exhibitors from 18 countries and regions, with a total exhibition area of 220000 square meters.

As a leader in the field of urban lighting intelligent control, IOTCOMM has made its debut at the exhibition, showcasing the strength and style of its corporate brand with its continuous cutting-edge innovation achievements and professional service capabilities, and has received widespread attention from customers at home and abroad.


Smart City Lighting Solutions

Building Industry Confidence with Strength

The intelligent lighting monitoring system series products of IOTCOMM are favored by many merchants. The traditional classic PLC solutions represented by self-organized network communication, high stability PLC dual-mode solutions that are higher than the average online rate of the industry, overseas mainstream trend Wi SUN lighting solutions, 4G Cat. 1 solutions directly connected to the operator's network, HOTU intelligent lighting IoT platform and other full line products appeared in the exhibition.






There is no best technology, only the most suitable technology. With full scenario solutions such as roads, solar energy, tunnels, parks, etc. IOTCOMM provides you with the "optimal solution".

Digital AI base

Building a new highland for smart city construction

The digital AI base independently developed by IOTCOMM, which meets the needs of urban level perception network construction, has made a significant appearance at the  Exhibition. The digital AI base integrates the AI gateway of smart street pole on the distribution cabinet side, with rich AI algorithms built-in, supporting multi loop AI smart street pole linkage and management, truly achieving widespread deployment and linkage of urban level perception networks.





The AI digital base is uniformly connected to the Whale Fall Smart City Operation Platform, using street light poles as the core carrier to create a unified smart city operation service entrance, making urban life better and urban management smarter, and achieving mutual synergy between urban smart management and digital economic value creation.

Earn enough attention

Profession is the brightest business card

Sales team of IOTCOMM from six major regions and overseas departments across the country has been stationed throughout the exhibition, patiently explaining the core technology and application scenarios of the product, and winning reputation with professionalism.






Everything in the past is a preface. Any future can be expected. In the era when digitalization and intelligence has become a consensus, IOTCOMM continues to make breakthroughs in the field of expertise, embrace exchanges and cooperation in the industrial ecology, and achieve ultimate innovation, integration and symbiosis. Taking the exhibition as an opportunity, IOTCOMM will go to a broader market, bring better intelligent lighting system solutions to customers at home and abroad, and work together for a bright future of smart city construction.
